
Asking Our Dogs To “Dare Greatly”

If you haven’t read Brene Brown’s book “Daring Greatly”, I highly recommend it.  It talks about the power of letting our true selves shine in the face of emotions that might be uncomfortable for us and the personal rewards that come from doing that.  The name of the book comes from the famous quote by […]

Barking In Agility

Some people have dogs that bark while playing agility.  I’m not talking about the dogs that are crated on the side of the ring (that’s a different topic!), but the ones that bark while they are running a course in the ring. There are many reasons why the dog may be barking including: Frustration since […]

Cowtown Dog Sports Welcomes VALOR!

Cowtown Dog Sports is proud to announce that we have been approved as a facility for VALOR trials! VALOR, the Virtual Agility League, and is designed to acknowledge the accomplishments of fearful, reactive, and highly distracted dogs.   It can also serve as a starting point for dogs that may enter more traditional trial environments (i.e. as […]

International Challenge 1

With all the focus on international handling lately, I thought I’d throw out a set of short exercises using 4 jumps with the idea of seeing how different people would handle these.  Would love to see some video! NOTE: It is highly recommended that you substitute wing jumps in place of the wingless ones depicted […]

Why I Teach

Teaching and education have long been highly valued in my family.   Both my parents were college professors and I loved school so much that I spent a very long time there and left with a PhD in physics.  I still love learning and am happiest when I am growing. As a dog agility instructor, […]