Yearly Archives: 2013

Advanced Level Course, 12/30/13

Below is a course we recently ran at Cowtown Dog Sports in a private lesson.  It can be made easier for Novice dogs by skipping 4-6 although we still found it a bit challenging for them.

CDS Agility Jump Building Workshop

For several months, students have been asking me about how to build agility jumps to use for practicing at home.  We decided it would be fun to have a workshop on how to build jumps. The workshop was only open to students of Cowtown Dog Sports.  The students had the option of building one or two […]

Why I Teach

Teaching and education have long been highly valued in my family.   Both my parents were college professors and I loved school so much that I spent a very long time there and left with a PhD in physics.  I still love learning and am happiest when I am growing. As a dog agility instructor, […]

Old Dogs Rule! – A Trip Down Memory Lane

Recently a local ASCA club held a Senior Specialty class at a trial – a chance for us to honor our old agility dogs.  I took my 14 year old beagle mix Zeener.  The dogwalk and jump bars were lowered.  The chute and teeter were available by choice and we each got the chance to […]

A New Start…

About a year ago, we moved to a new property west of Fort Worth, Texas with the goal of starting anew and creating a haven for me and the dogs to play.  It has been quite the adventure. We have installed lighting, fencing, built agility equipment, and started teaching agility classes. In short, we’re creating […]