dog training

On the Word ‘No’….

When training my dogs, I very, very rarely tell them ‘No’.  This especially goes for training dog sports.  I focus on showing and telling them what they are doing right.  If they get it wrong, then I simply try to communicate what I want them to do rather than focusing on what I don’t want […]

Your Dog is Talking To You – Are You Listening?

I sometimes ask my students if they talk to their dogs.  Most often, the answer is ‘Yes’.  Then I ask them if their dog talks back to them.  And I usually get silence or a ‘No’. The reality is that most of our dogs are trying to communicate with us all the time!  We all […]

Awesome! You Get To Learn Something New!

I admit don’t know much about how the public school system works currently, but I can tell you that when I was in school, it was BAD to be wrong about something.  You were a failure.  You were stupid.  When it happened in front of the rest of the class, you were ashamed. The end […]

Want Success? Practice!

Many of us have always heard that practice makes perfect.  This is true with dog training as well!  Whether you are preparing for competition or teaching your dog not to jump on guests, you must work with your dog on the skills that you want him to learn if you want to train them successfully. […]

Additional Classes Starting at Cowtown Dog Sports!

We are excited to announce that Cowtown Dog Sports is adding more classes in June!  This includes the addition of morning classes for those of you who can’t make it in the evenings! We will continue to teach our Foundation for Agility 1 and Agility 2 classes, but we are now requiring that students attend our Basic Obedience class […]

Advanced Agility Course, 031714

This advanced course is relatively short, but still has quite a few challenges in it.  For baby dogs, the tunnel at 13 can be added between 8 and 9.

Old Dogs Rule! – A Trip Down Memory Lane

Recently a local ASCA club held a Senior Specialty class at a trial – a chance for us to honor our old agility dogs.  I took my 14 year old beagle mix Zeener.  The dogwalk and jump bars were lowered.  The chute and teeter were available by choice and we each got the chance to […]

A New Start…

About a year ago, we moved to a new property west of Fort Worth, Texas with the goal of starting anew and creating a haven for me and the dogs to play.  It has been quite the adventure. We have installed lighting, fencing, built agility equipment, and started teaching agility classes. In short, we’re creating […]